DMS to DD Converter

Degrees Minutes Seconds to Decimal Degrees

To get decimal degrees (DD), please enter degrees, minutes, seconds coordinates values and press Convert.


Show me where I am, yo!

Decimal degrees (DD)

Decimal degrees (DD) is a common format used to express geographical coordinates in decimal form, making it easier to work with coordinates in mathematical calculations and digital systems. In the decimal degrees format, a location's latitude and longitude are represented as decimal numbers, rather than degrees, minutes, and seconds (DMS) or degrees and decimal minutes (DMM).

Here's how decimal degrees are typically formatted:

• Latitude is expressed in decimal degrees and ranges from -90° (South of the equator) to +90° (North of the equator). The equator is represented as 0° latitude.

• Longitude is also expressed in decimal degrees and ranges from -180° (West of the Prime Meridian) to +180° (East of the Prime Meridian). The Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, London, is represented as 0° longitude.

For example, the coordinates for a specific location in decimal degrees might look like this:

• Latitude: 40.7128° N (for a location in New York City)

• Longitude: -74.0060° W (for the same location in New York City)

Decimal degrees provide a straightforward and easy-to-use way to represent geographic coordinates, especially in digital mapping and navigation systems. They are commonly used in GPS devices, geographic information systems (GIS), and online mapping services, as they simplify calculations involving coordinates and make it more convenient to work with geographical data in various applications.